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StarsOfTheSpiral Archives

This version was saved 13 years, 4 months ago View current version     Page history
Saved by Kelsey Fireheart
on June 8, 2011 at 8:49:13 pm








**Great News: we now have a domain name. So no more pbworks blah blah.

All you have to do is type in www.StarsoftheSpiral.com**


Also follow our blog at : starsofthespiral.blogspot.com 

Kelsey Fireheart's Twitter

 SotS Facebook Fan Page

Kelsey Fireheart's Personal Facebook Page


***Click here if you want to know how to SUBMIT information for the site.***


***Click here if you want to submit Pet Information for the site***


***Click here if you want to become a Pet Trainer for Stars of the Spiral Pet Archives.***


Lost on how to Navigate our site?? Click Here to see our SotS Website Tips.


** We do need a regular Farming Team who wants to find out where all Holiday and Crown Gear are Dropped!

If you are interested, please email me at StarsoftheSpiral@yahoo.com **









Tuesday - June 7th:

Wizard101 will be down tonight from 3-6am Central

to fix bugs and some upgrades to the Sultan's Palace as well as to add new surprises!!


Monday - June 6th:



Check out our video at:



Two new pets spotted so far in the new video about the Pet-a-palooza!

July 4th Leprechaun and Ice Beetle! WOOT!




***** KIFreeGames.com ******


Do not forget to visit KIfreegames.com to play their mini games

since they are giving away FREE *Rare* Pets if you get lucky just for the month of June!


"As you play the free online games on this site, achieving higher scores earns you free game codes for use in Wizard101 with your character. Be sure to check back often and score as high as possible since you can win special items like rare decorations and mounts!

There are many different tiers of rewards. Since each game scores at a different rate, each game will reach the tiers at a different score.
  1. Sorcery Stones rewards start at a score of 25,000.
  2. Doodle Dug rewards start at a score of 1,500.
  3. Dueling Diego rewards start at a score of 2,000.


Pet-a-palooza Bonus Items
To celebrate Pet-a-palooza, throughout the month of June 2011 the rewards for our minigames will include a guaranteed gold reward, as well as a random bonus items. These bonus items are all pet related and include a wide variety of pet snacks, plus the chance of a Mega Snack Pack or an Energy Elixir. Higher score tiers offer the chance at a rare pet too!

Tier / Rewards
  1. You will win 25 gold, PLUS one bonus item
  2. You will win 50 gold, PLUS one bonus item
  3. You will win 75 gold, PLUS one bonus item
  4. You will win 100 gold, PLUS two bonus items including the chance at a Bloodbat Pet
  5. You will win 125 gold, PLUS two bonus items including the chance at a Brass Golem Pet
  6. You will win 150 gold, PLUS two bonus items including the chance at a Death Scarab Pet
  7. You will win 175 gold, PLUS two bonus items including the chance at a Storm Beetle Pet
  8. You will win 200 gold, PLUS three bonus items including the chance at a Fog Unicorn Pet
  9. You will win 250 gold, PLUS three bonus items including the chance at a Storm Bat Pet
  10. You will win 350 gold, PLUS three bonus items including the chance at a Frog Pet
  11. You will win 500 gold, PLUS three bonus items including the chance at a Storm Snowman Pet
  12. You will win 625 gold, PLUS three bonus items including the chance at a Red Gobbler Pet
  13. You will win 750 gold, PLUS three bonus items including the chance at a Shardtail Dragon Pet
  14. You will win 1000 gold, PLUS five bonus items including the chance at a Crabling Pet
  15. You will win 1250 gold, PLUS five bonus items including the chance at an Ianthine Spectre Pet
  16. You will win 1500 gold, PLUS five bonus items including the chance at a Viridian Cyclops Pet"



Wednesday the 25th:

The new Mega Bundle Game Card is OUT at all Gamestops across USA!


Also all of the game cards for June has a new version of the game card pets.

For example for the Cyclops, there is now a Wildwood Cyclops.

For the Storm Demon, Skyscream Demon.

Check them out!


Wednesday the 25th:

 Wizard101 Crown Sale - $60 for 60k Crowns is now here!




Hello, Everyone!


Welcome to Stars of the Spiral Archive which includes not just Pets,

but gears, quest help and other little things.


We were originally a Pet Archive. But we have expanded this site to cover another things.

So we are not just a Pet Archives. We are THE Stars of the Spiral Archive.

Soon our Logo will reflect that.


This site was born out of a simple thing:

I couldn't remember where everything was and I needed ONE place to put everything in,

so it was easily accessible.


We now cover Gardening, Crafting, Pets, Snacks, Reagents and so many more things.

And we welcome you to explore our site.

We hope we have what you need to help you on your way through Wizard101.

Have a great time!


For any help how to navigate this website, Click Here

For tips regarding our Pet Pages, Click Here




**Kelsey Fireheart,





Kelsey Fireheart on a new Ram mount in Wintertusk!




Our SotS Team


Diana Wildheart is our Grandmaster Artisan consultant. 

She knows a lot about Recipes, Reagents and things about Crafting.



Natalie Emeraldflame is our resident Gardener consultant.

You can contact her through Facebook.


Jordan SeaDreamer is our newest Pet Trainer. She will help us enormously with improving our Pet Talents

in a more organized and timely manner.


Arlen Dawneyes is our Spell Checker and is a major help to the site to make sure mistakes are erased from this site.


Jasmine Smith is our clothes consultant on the StarsoftheSpiral Archives.




*All Pet Talents were contributed by Wizard101 Players 

who I have chatted within the Pet Hatchery day in and day out.


Without their support and help, the site would be a complete fail. 

The information was also gathered from our hundreds of friends

who was nice enough to answer my questions 

and my lovely friends; Diana Wildheart & Natalie Emeraldflame.


All credit goes to them and I thank them very much for their contributions. 

After all, I'm just a simple information collector.

All of my information, in all sections, is intended to be used and spread 

through the Wiz101 community to help everyone

in this wonderful and exciting game.*  



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