Our SotS Team
Diana Wildheart is our Grandmaster Artisan consultant.
She knows a lot about Recipes, Reagents and things about Crafting.
Natalie Emeraldflame is our resident Gardener consultant.
You can contact her through Facebook.
Jordan SeaDreamer is our newest Pet Trainer. She will help us enormously with improving our Pet Talents
in a more organized and timely manner.
Arlen Dawneyes is our Spell Checker and is a major help to the site to make sure mistakes are erased from this site.
Jasmine Smith is our clothes consultant on the StarsoftheSpiral Archives.

*All Pet Talents were contributed by Wizard101 Players
who I have chatted within the Pet Hatchery day in and day out.
Without their support and help, the site would be a complete fail.
The information was also gathered from our hundreds of friends
who was nice enough to answer my questions
and my lovely friends; Diana Wildheart & Natalie Emeraldflame.
All credit goes to them and I thank them very much for their contributions.
After all, I'm just a simple information collector.
All of my information, in all sections, is intended to be used and spread
through the Wiz101 community to help everyone
in this wonderful and exciting game.*
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